Positiivisten esimerkkien voimaa !

Remmi on kiitollinen! Onnistuimme jälleen tuottamaan yhden uuden kohtaamisen. Kohtaamisen, jossa lahjakas työnhakija ja edistyksellisesti ajatteleva työllistäjä päätyivät yhteistyöhön. Työnhakija työllistyi. Näiden positiivisten esimerkkien kautta toivomme antavamme kaikille työnhakijoille voimaa työnhakuu ja yrityksille uskallusta uusiin näkökulmiin rekrytoinneissanne. Kiitos MORS !

Asiakkaamme MORS Software kirjoittaa kotisivuillaan 11.9.2024 näin: https://morssoftware.com/expanding-our-team

We are excited to welcome Anuradha Perera to our team, made possible through a successful recruitment partnership with Remmi. Anu, originally from Sri Lanka, has been living in Finland for the past 10 months and is currently pursuing her master’s degree in information systems at the University of Jyväskylä.

As an international professional, she faced the common challenges of finding employment in Finland, an issue that Remmi is actively addressing by bridging the gap between global talent and Finnish companies. Thanks to their active and competent recruitment services, we were able to find the perfect match in her, whose extensive background includes many years of experience in project management, business development, and financial operations.

While Anu’s primary role is within the Service team, her academic focus and financial background make her a valuable asset to our Finance department as well. As a small company, we pride ourselves on offering flexibility in job roles, allowing us to create a position that supports Anu’s unique skills and her ongoing studies.

Her addition reflects our commitment to fostering an inclusive workplace and leveraging the diverse talents that international professionals bring. We are thrilled to have Anu on board and look forward to the positive impact she will make on our growing team.

“We are happy and honored we could serve MORS Software. Anu is a perfect example of the international multi talents that we have in Finland, still often being invisible for many companies. Thank you, MORS Software, for your sharp vision and showing example.” says Kati Sarén, recruitment consultant at Remmi.

A big thank you to Remmi for helping us find such a talented individual! We’re excited for the future ahead.


Remmi is a young and growing service that connects jobseekers and employers. It is a recruitment and staff leasing company that focuses on free resources.

Remmi operates by DEI (Diversity, Equity, Inclusion) principles. Diversity exists in many ways. In addition to the often thought physical or mental differences in people, diversity also includes culture, profession, experience, age and language stills.

Diversified working cultures provide better working climate, which further on provides better motivation among the employees. Better motivation leads to better profitability.

“To know you – To recommend you – DEI – Free resources” that is Remmi.